Summer Mental Health Activities for Kids

Hey parents! Looking for an opportunity to help support your children’s mental health during the summer break? We’ve created three unique toolkits to empower you in nurturing your child’s well-being while enjoying the summer season together. There’s practical resources and activities to make this summer memorable and meaningful for your entire family. Get ready to embark on a journey of connection, growth, and fun-filled memories with your children!

Download Your FREE Toolkits

 Explore the toolkits below, soak up some sunshine, and enjoy quality time with your kids through these engaging activities.   

Additional Resources

for Parents


Bring our mental health posters to your child’s summer camp or daycare to help us spread the word and to empower children to seek help when they need it.

Talk With Your Children About Mental Health

Keep these valuable tips handy to help you engage in important conversations with your children about their mental health. Download


Check out our items and proudly showcase your mental health merch with your family to help raise awareness and spread the word this summer.


Elevate your conversations with a touch of creativity today! Use our exclusive collection of fun and expressive Giphys.
Explore the Fun

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