Struggling to stay positive in the face of challenges? Learn how to practice positive affirmations and benefit from their power for better self-care.
Everybody Hurts: The State of Mental Health In America
There's a lot of pain in the country. Understand anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide in each state in the United States.
Photographer Damon Baker on #DBforCTL and Mental Health
Crisis Text Line partnered with photographer Damon Baker to deconstruct the highlight reel of social media and encourage honesty about mental health.
Bring Crisis Text Line Home for the Holidays
The holidays aren't always a breeze. Here are five ways 741741 can help you in a holiday crisis.
What Are Strength IDs?
The data-driven kind words to help you in any hard conversation.
Four Ways to Upgrade Your Self-Care Routine This Fall
Re-set your self-care routine this fall. You deserve it.
10 Mental Health Tweets We Love
From anxiety and depression to the importance of a self-care break, the internet has all the mental health-related hot takes.
#LyricsToLiveBy: Ten Self-Care Anthems You Need
We’re talking all the anthems that remind you to put yourself first because taking care of you will help you show up for the world bigger and better.