Every texter I touched I could feel healing.
Crisis Text Line Blog
Sorting Out Sleep’s Connection to Crisis
It's no surprise that sleep is on the minds of many of our texters. What we didn’t expect, though, was just how often the topic appears in conversations.
It Doesn’t Get Easier; We Just Get Better
No matter our dreams, first-generation college students face a unique and unexpected set of challenges.
On Turning Four
It's our fourth birthday. Four. We're feeling like a big kid.
Export to Salesforce with Amazon S3 and Lambda
Our Crisis Counselors are the empathy MVPs at Crisis Text Line. We needed a tech solution that helped our Coaches give CCs the support they need.
How One Teen Began the Suicide Prevention Revolution at His School
It’s important to know that we, as individuals, can make a difference. Step one is realizing that together we can change the reality of suicide.
Eating Disorder Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All
Eating Disorder Recovery looks different for everyone. A Crisis Text Line Supervisor speaks to her experience.
Embracing AI to Save Lives
Do assertions like “The robots are coming” and “AI will replace humans” sound familiar? The possibilities have been debated extensively.