The kids continue to be alright. It's the 18-34-year-olds who are having a hard time adulting...
Crisis Text Line Blog
Notes on Coronavirus: How is America Feeling? Part 2
How is America feeling? Not awesome. Wave one was intense anxiety. It continues. But now we're seeing the start of wave two—the impact of isolation.
Bob’s Notes on COVID-19: Mental Health Data on the Pandemic
COVID-19 is top of mind around the world—and for our texters.
Coronavirus: How is America Feeling? Part 1
As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, we're bringing you insights into how America is feeling.
Everybody Hurts: The State of Mental Health In America
There's a lot of pain in the country. Understand anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide in each state in the United States.
Photographer Damon Baker on #DBforCTL and Mental Health
Crisis Text Line partnered with photographer Damon Baker to deconstruct the highlight reel of social media and encourage honesty about mental health.
Understanding Suicide Prevention and Active Rescues at Crisis Text Line
Reaching out for help when you’re having suicidal thoughts can be terrifying. But it’s one of the bravest things you can do.
10 Powerful Mental Health Moments of the 2010s
We’re exiting the 2010s inspired by all the powerful mental health moments this past decade has given us.