Congratulations on your first conversation with a texter! Chances are you’ll never forget it.
What Crisis Counseling Taught Me About Parenting
I’ve realized that the types of problems my kids are beginning to have now are likely not going to be solved by me telling them to shake it off.
What I’ve Been Up To
Former U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil reflects on the importance of Crisis Text Line to his post-White House endeavors.
Finding a Sense of Purpose in Crisis Counseling
Every texter I touched I could feel healing.
It Doesn’t Get Easier; We Just Get Better
No matter our dreams, first-generation college students face a unique and unexpected set of challenges.
On Turning Four
It's our fourth birthday. Four. We're feeling like a big kid.
Automation in Training? Elementary!
Our volunteers don’t just want to practice; they want their roleplays to feel real.
We’re Partnering with The Mighty
We're thrilled to announce a new partnership that will bring Crisis Text Line's resources in front of The Mighty's wide-reaching readership.